Preventative Dentistry
At Radiant Dental, we are a full service dental clinic. We place an emphasis on our oral hygiene maintenance program. We believe that this will allow us to stay on top of your oral health and enables us to detect any early arising conditions, so treatment can be indicated prior to problems escalating.
We recommend that our patients have their teeth and mouths checked regularly, accompanied with professional dental cleaning every 6 to 12 months. A professional clean removes any build up of plaque, tarter and staining. For those who don't know what these dental terms mean, plaque is the soft and sticky bacteria that grows on the surfaces of your teeth. The majority of plaque on your teeth can be brushed off with a toothbrush. The plaque that is left behind turns into tarter. Tarter (calculus) is when the plaque hardens onto the teeth and is removed during a professional clean. Not only does a professional clean keep your teeth nice and clean, it also ensures your gums stay healthy and keep your breath fresh.
A professional clean involves:
Full check-up
X-rays (optional) - xrays can pick up signs of decay in places the dentist cannot see including the spaces in between the teeth.
Scale and clean - plaque and tarter are cleaned off.
Polish - external surface stains on teeth are removed; leaving the tooth surface smooth.
Fluoride treatment - Fluoride is applied to the cleaned surface. This strengthens the tooth enamel and helps combat decay.